Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Robyn Smith ahau.
I am a descendant of Te Ātiawa, Taranaki and Scottish immigrants and my family and I have lived in the Linden and Titahi Bay areas for the past 26 years. With 10 years work experience at the Wellington Regional Council, I have a grounded understanding of how the council operates. I think the council needs to improve how it protects us and our environment.
Protecting our waterways
The waterways of Porirua and Tawa drain to Te Awarua-o-Porirua (Porirua harbours), and sediments and pollutants smother aquatic life and reduce flushing of the harbours. This impacts on all aquatic life and on our cultural and recreational activities.
Protecting Te Awarua-o-Porirua means preventing further degradation of all our waterways. Consent conditions, monitoring and enforcement must ensure the effects of earthworks and development stay on-site.
Addressing climate change
Moving people’s transport choices to convenient, inexpensive and reliable public transport will help Aotearoa/New Zealand meet our climate targets.
I will lobby for increased services, reduced waiting times, cross region services and affordable fares.
Protecting our taonga/special natural areas
Our natural biodiversity is important to our health and environment. Few forests, freshwater wetlands and coastal habitats remain. Many community groups work hard to protect and enhance biodiversity on public land. Private landowners need to be incentivised to protect biodiversity.
I will be a strong advocate for increased support for programmes working to protect and enhance our environment.
I support sustainable growth and resilient communities for future generations.
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynforporiruatawa/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/northislrobin